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http://journal.illuminatedperfume.com/2011_01_01_archive.html |
If so, when do you wear it? Are you an everyday wearer? Or a special occasion-er? Or never?
I have this hang-up on perfume now-a-days. I wore it occasionally when I was single. But mostly I wore it when Patrick and I were dating, cause I loved it when we were cuddling and he'd comment, "You smell so good!" Yeah baby, instant confidence boost. :) But, even then I tried to keep it light, cause I didn't want to walk around in a cloud of smell, even if it was a nice smell. (Like the elderly lady who leaves a trail of her scent when she walks out of the room or high school boy who is trying WAY too hard to be hot...)
Then after we got married, when I worked as an aide in a Jr High, then as a Jr High/High school teacher--I felt weird wearing perfume. Like, seriously--I'm not trying to smell nice or sexy for tweens. I wanted to smell neutral: in other words, have no smell at all.
But after a couple years of shunning perfume, I'm totally out of the habit. Now and then, I'll remember to put a bit on when we go on a date (I know, I know, "Date? What's that?" Ha...) and Patrick's like, "Wowza! You smell nice!" Makes me feel pretty much like a sexy beast.
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I want to remember more often, cause after you get married and real life hits, it's inevitable: you are bound to experience some less-than-savory smells. I mean...Unless your feet never stink, your breath is minty fresh in the morning, and you have flawless digestion, it WILL happen.
So, it's nice when I can smell utterly fabulous to my husband. And when he wears his cologne? (like twice a year, ha!)...Wowza. I like. :)
If you are married, would/do you wear perfume to work or Girl's Night or a church party? Is that weird? Cause it's not like you're not trying to smell attractive to your friends/co-workers. Or for you, is it more about feeling pretty for yourself, rather than attractive to someone else? For the single ladies out there, do you wear perfume on every date? Do you wear it every day? One thing's for sure, perfume comes in handy when I didn't shower that day and I'm self-conscious...ha!
I'd love to hear your perfume philosophies and wearing habits. Also, if you do wear perfume, what kind do you wear?
I don't wear perfume, but occasionally the kids lose my deodorant and I have to use Amanda's. No one really gets close enough to me to tell. At least they haven't said anything.
ReplyDeleteHA! I bet your co-workers just silently appreciate how delightfully fragranced you are.
DeleteYears ago when I was married to my late husband, I was given some REALLY expensive perfume as a thankyou gift from a family of one of the residents at the assisted living center I worked at. I had never heard of this perfume before and another coworker had. She said, this is the kind you only wear on special occasions. Well the only time I EVER wore perfume was at church. So I wore it on Sundays. LOVED IT. Up until I remarried and had kids, that is the only time I wore any perfume at all.. But now I wear it every day. I do it because I want to smell nice for my family. :)
ReplyDeleteMarilee, I like that! What a good reason--just to smell nice for your family. :) I think I'm going to up my perfume usage to Sundays too! You'll have to come sniff me at church next sunday to see if I remembered!
DeleteI am allergic to most perfumes, so I don't wear them often. I mostly wear it for special occasions (for Casey), but I know what his favorite is and wear that one ONLY for him. There are other times I will wear perfume out with the girls, but not enough to drown anyone, just enough to smell nice. More often then not, I just go with the smell of my clean laundry on every day events. I don't wear Casey's favorite on an every day basis so it doesn't loose its power to the get reaction you spoke about. I love when he notices that I have gone out of my way to do something special, just for him. :)
ReplyDeleteOh, I hear ya...I think the same way--I don't want my perfume to become normal to him so he doesn't notice it anymore! He doesn't really notice too much when I spend extra time on my hair or makeup, so at least the perfume always makes him stop in his tracks! That's a good idea to have one scent that's just for him, and another for other ocasions. :) Thanks, Bonnie!
DeleteI wear it when I want to smell extra good. I love smells!! Sometimes, I just want to smell good for Josh. I have a few favorite smells depending on my mood. Abercrombie's perfume always smells amazing. Bath and body works is my usual go-to perfumery. Sweet pea, secret wonderland and cool citrus basil (discontinued) are really good, but my new favorite is their new flavor cashmere glow.
ReplyDeleteI like the Sweet Pea too! I smelled some good ones at American Eagle and at Rue 21. I want to go check out Bath a Body works scents....they seem more affordable than the fancy ones at the Department stores! Hmmm, maybe this will be what I'll ask Patrick for as my Christmas present this year...Gift Card! :)
DeleteConfession: I have NEVER worn perfume... but I do remember my date in high school saying I smelled SOOO good - thanks to my hair-curling spray. So keep the favorites coming - woudn't mind an every-day spray (something from Bath and Body Works - light, clean) and a more "Sexy Beast" type... I'm all ears! And NOSE!!! AH-hahaha.....
ReplyDeleteHA! Hairspray is probably the cheapest perfume you could buy! Just spritz your neck! You may feel a little stiff...but, no matter. If Austin (this is my sister, Sherie, right?) has never smelled perfume on you, you should probably take him and pick one out together, so it isn't such a shocker for him. You'll be the sexiest beast!
DeleteI put on perfume as part of my getting ready routine (which is not everyday ha!). I switch it up, but my favorites are Ed Hardy and Very Sexy from Victoria Secret.
ReplyDeleteHmmmmm, that is the second time someone has mentioned Ed Hardy. It sounds like an old man, not so much a perfume! I am intrigued. :)
DeleteI honestly don't think I have worn perfume since I was in junior high and wore Love's Baby Soft! Did you ever wear that stuff? I think if I smelled it now I would die from nostalgia! Perfume mostly makes me sneeze now. :(
ReplyDeleteNope, never did! It's sounds pretty dreamy, though. :) Haha...what an awesome tombstone caption: "Here lies ____ took a whiff of her Jr High perfume and died from nostalgia." I hope nostalgia is what does me in.
DeleteI wear it when going out, but very little. It makes me sick if it is strong and if someone else has to much on I want to gag. LOL!
ReplyDeleteGreat post! Tweeting...
Marcie @ I Gotta Try That
I wear it when I am going to something nice, girls night, date night or something like that! I try to spray it and walk into it so it isn't overpowering.
ReplyDeleteI feel like I am more ready for the day when I wear it. When it is a nice occasion, I bring out the fancy stuff... Coach Daisy. When it is just a regular day, I wear just cheapo kind from Rue 21, but it makes me feel a little better about myself. I think it is totally a mental thing.
ReplyDeleteI'm the same as mckenzie- I bring the good stuff out when its for a special occasion! For everyday I love Victoria Very sexy summer. its my favorite! Ed Hardy smells amazing.. that is my next perfume purchase :)
ReplyDeleteI love your posts! They are AWESOME!! I am a wear perfume/body spray everyday kinda girl... Sometimes its only my kids that get to smell my hotness... Hopefully they will always remember Mommy smelled GOOD! ;)
ReplyDeleteI don't wear perfume, but I do wear scented lotion on occassion. I used to (pre-kid) where perfume sometimes to church, etc, but when I got pregnant, and my sense of smell got strong, I couldn't stand most perfumes any more so I got out of the habit.
ReplyDeleteI like the idea of perfume...but am not that great at wearing it..I always forget! I have 1-2 bottles and they usually last me like 5 years(does perfume go bad?)