By Amy (Does my title make you think of a largely pregnant women doing the Ganghan style horsey trot thing? haha..I'll have to try that when I'm 8 months and ginormous. ...Or maybe not.)
Thank you SOOO much for your love and support during my freak case of leg obesity! (Aka Deep Vein Thrombosis or DVT.) The pain has subsided and the swelling has gone way down, all that's left is a cankle, an aching in my leg and my lovely twice-a-day shots. I loved your encouragement and excitement for our news--in case you missed the story of my weird trip to the ER for a fat leg--I am indeed pregnant! Numbero Dos is on the way!
I loved hearing about your transitions from one kiddio to two! You made me feel a lot less scared. I am full of optimism that all will go well, this crazy bloodclot will stop being ridiculous, and that we will become a family of four come August!
When I find out I'm pregnant, I want to tell everybody like a crazy person, and it is TORTURE to wait...but it's smart to wait for a while. I get that. It's just, I have a BIG mouth with my own secrets. I'm just so excited I want to tell everyone I love! Which is a lot of people! :) With this babe, I didn't know I was pregnant for a little while...I even took a pregnancy test right before my period was about to start, which the test told me I could, and got a big negative. And then the next day, I was disappointed again, cause my period started ...or so I thought!!! TMI, but with both pregnancies, I spotted at the beginning for a couple days, right on schedule with when my period should be, making me think "no baby" for a few days, till I'm like..."Wait a period never actually got going!" And I'm scrambling to take a pregnancy test. Except, we were in Star Valley, Wyoming for Christmas, and I didn't have any pregnancy tests with me! So, for about 4 days, I KNEW. But, I didn't want to tell Patrick or anyone, cause I didn't actually have proof. Haha.
When we got home from Star Valley, I walked right into the house, straight to the bathroom and took the test. And, sure enough...POSITIVE!!! I walked out and held it right in front of Patrick's eyes and said, "I KNEW IT! HAHAHAHAHAHA!" *insert maniacal, crazy person laugh...I was a little excited. :) He just looked and then his eyes got wide, and he started smiling really big. was great, and really fun to totally catch him off guard, since he was still thinking I wasn't pregnant! :) Then an hour later, I was going to my good friends baby shower. Let me tell you, that was AGONY. All the cutest baby clothes and gifts and all these ladies I love, and I'm right in the middle of the initial "just found out, and I'm SO DANG EXCITED"-ness, and everyone is talking about babies, babies, babies, and I wanted to just jump up on the couch and blurt out: I'MHAVINGABABYTOOOOOOOO! Ha...but, with all of the self-control I could muster, I resisted.
Now I am 11 weeks along. Woo! I'm SO fortunate cause I'm not a puker, I'm just a "I'm so insanely exhausted that my eyes and body are heavy and achy" kind of first trimester pregnant lady. Every morning when Hayden wakes up between 7 and 7:45, I hear him moving around and I know the day has to begin, and I feel like my soul is being wrenched out of me...I actually feel sorrowful--like an exhausted, delirious, frustrated grief that my sleep is over. I'm lucky cause Patrick usually gets Hayden out of bed and gets him changed. Then, Hayden climbs up on me and says, "AWAKE!" right in my face till I get out of bed, groaning and moaning. (Some of my college roommates may be thinking, "Ha, that's normal for you." :) I'm NOT a morning person.) Oh, and I've been napping during Hayden's naps when I usually blog. Then, add the crazy blood clot fiasco on top of that, and I'm basically becoming Jabba the Hut, cause I'm too tired and achy to move very much. Plus, it's like the dang arctic tundra in Idaho right now (lots of schools in the area cancelled today for extreme cold...negative 20 or colder!), and my toddler and I are getting a little cabin fevery. Yes, we both threw a fit today. Well, he threw many, but I only threw one. And then I put myself in time-out.
But, I am feeling better every week and I am elated that Hayden will get a sibling, (cause my siblings are some of my greatest friends in this world) and I am so excited to grow our family. (Psst...secret: I really hope we have a girl this time. :) But, of course we'll be happy boy or girl! )
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The pickle boy! With a kid this cool, how could I not want another!? :) |
I'm a little less ignorantly-blissful about having an infant this time, cause Hayden was an easy pregnancy, a smooth delivery, but a HARD baby. I now know what I could be in for. And this time around, I will also have a toddler running around when I'm caring for an infant! But, I also feel less scared for the whole labor, delivery part, and I think I'll be a bit more relaxed with an infant. I'm no longer a first-timer. :) If you haven't seen it, you have to see this Coca-Cola commercial about having a second kid...I laughed and cried! This is SOOO Patrick and I. :) Hahaha...
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A rare quiet moment with Hayden....Mmmmm, I think I'm ready for this again... |
I loved hearing about your transitions from one kiddio to two! You made me feel a lot less scared. I am full of optimism that all will go well, this crazy bloodclot will stop being ridiculous, and that we will become a family of four come August!
PS. I'd love to hear, how are your pregnancies? Sick the whole time? Feel great? Are you one of those ladies who are cross-fitting till 9 months? Are you puking your guts out? (You poor thing!) Anybody else so tired they fall asleep sitting up at 8 at night? Did you get light-headed during the day? Weird cravings? I'm craving Papa Murphy's hawaiian pizza, but that isn't really just a pregnancy thing...haha. Oh, I have scarfed a bunch of Hayden's fruit snacks. They are SOOO good.
PSS. For those who are struggling with infertility, I hope this post isn't a slap to the face...though it probably is. :( It is hard not to get super excited and want to blab all about having a baby on the way, but at the same time, I know that to some, a post like this is like salt in a wound. I've had a few close friends who struggled to be able to start a family, and they told me it is the most bitter hurt to hear that yet another one of your friends got easily pregnant. I don't know what else to say, but I love you, and I sincerely and completely hope that you get the desire of your heart! You will make a wonderful mother. I don't understand why timing isn't always how we want it, especially when we are pleading with God for something that is so good and unselfish, like having a baby to care for and raise. Don't lose hope! I know many friends who struggled with infertility, who now are pregnant, have a baby, or even several kids! We love you and are praying for you! :)
Love you all, from your cankle-icious friend!
Well, I haven't finished mine yet, but I was nauseous for the first trimester and I only threw up when I ate raw apples, apple sauce and fish. I recently threw up again after eating applesauce right before taking a fish oil supplement, throwing up doesn't happen unless I eat too much or baby Ella doesn't like the food. My main problem is that I'm not hungry. Almost ever. I've lost some weight here in the last few weeks and though Doc hasn't said anything, I'm a little worried. I had migraines a little during the second trimester, but our main worry was my funneling cervix that they discovered at my 20 week anatomy scan. A month and a half later, after weekly ultrasounds, another sonographer announced that I had closed back up and my doctor agreed. I'm still on the daily progesterone suppositories (lovely tmi, sorry), pelvic rest and no exercise, but I'll be off meds soon and as of today, we're 34 weeks, so she'll be just fine when she comes!
ReplyDeleteBy the way, the infertility comments were great. That's really about all you can say to someone and you said it well
Apples, huh? That's funny! Well, fish makes me want to throw up at any time, so I can see why it cause some pregnancy queasiness! :)
DeleteI'm so glad to hear that all is going well with your pregnancy and that she's still in there! I'm so happy for your guys! You will be awesome parents. :)
You are one of the friends that I thought of when I was talking about infertility. Thank you for your kind words! It's such a delicate subject that I feel bad talking about cause I haven't had to deal with that. I just don't want to ever be careless or thoughtful to those amazing women who are yearning for a baby of their own. Thanks, Kayla!
When you due? August 26?
ReplyDeleteAugust 28!
DeleteSO excited for you! :) My first 2 pregnancies were the throwing-up-nearly-every-day-all-the-way-through type. This pregnancy, however, has been COMPLETELY different. Twins, boys, and I have only thrown up maybe 3 or 4 times since week 16 (before we even knew it was twins)! I've had a little bit of nausea, but not horrible since then, but the tiredness and aches (because I've grown SO fast) have been CRAZY! My cravings have been different this pregnancy, too! I pretty much NEVER crave anything sweet, and crave "man food" like pizza, burgers, and steak! :) Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy!
ReplyDeleteI also know so many with infertility problems, and hope they receive their little blessing(s) in one way or another. I always feel like many of those people are the ones that "deserve" a little one the most, and it's so hard to watch them go through it. I'm just grateful for technology they have, as well as opportunities for adoption for them.
Oh girl bless you you are sooo strong for getting through those first two pregnancies! And now, TWINS!? No wonder your body is exhausted! I'm so excited for you guys! :) And yes, that man food sounds delish!
DeleteYes, infertility is heart-breaking...I agree with you, it's crazy how they are often people who you know would be such great parents!
Both of my pregnancies were total opposites. My first pregnancy was a breeze (I was sick for all 9 months, and had preeclampsia at the very end, but still felt amazing) 1st baby...not a breeze. Second pregnancy...awful!! (Between having Braxton hicks starting at 14 weeks, total body pains and having GD it was pure hell for me) second baby...easy peasy :) maybe you'll get 'lucky' and have a harder pregnancy but easy baby ;) good luck!!!
ReplyDeleteDang Amber, you had some tough pregnancies! Well, I hope that my next baby is happy and content...cause my first was a screamer, and that was rough. Yeah, I'll totally deal with a bloodclot and shots if I can get an easy baby out of it! :) Well, we'll see I guess, gotta take em as they come! :)
DeleteSo excited for you! I was miserably nauseous and comatose tired for the first 12 weeks but other than that my pregnancy, delivery, and time with my newborn have been the happiest and most relaxed time of my life. Especially having been through 5 years of infertility and multiple miscarriages, I can't help feeling guilty that I had such an easy pregnancy and newborn and that I get to experience this joy now when so many women are still broken hearted. Why not the woman with seven years of infertility? The couple who keep getting passed over for adoption? Or the couple whose only option is IVF but can't afford it? It makes me wonder but I can't deny I've been so lucky! Congrats on being lucky twice!! You're an awesome mommy!
ReplyDeleteYAY! Jenny, I cannot tell you how much I look up to you for your continued faith through the years of infertility and how happy I've been seeing your pregnancy pics and now your beautiful babe!!!! I'm SO glad that you and Ben get your turn to be parents! :) Lucky parents and lucky son to be yours! :) I know, I wish everybody could just get the babies that they yearn for. Makes me want to be grateful everyday, even when Hayden is being a stinker toddler! ha! :)
DeletePS I also had to do shots every day of my pregnancy plus 6 weeks after with Caleb and he is a piece of cake...he hardly cries except that getting burped in the middle of a feeding is the end of the maybe you'll "earn" your easy baby that way too! ;)
ReplyDeletehahaha...let's hope so! :) yep, shots will be my new pregnancy norm for any more babies...but I'm just grateful they can still come! :)
DeleteI read these in my emails and am now finally getting on your blog to actually comment :) Congratulations!! Having 2 kids is really fun, for me anyway :) I'll have to tell you about it sometime.