April 22, 2014

Just When I Think I Can’t… I Can!

By Megan
Introduced by Amy

Megan and I met at church....I saw her and her husband sitting with probably the smiliest, most adorable (And the tiniest!) baby girl ever, sporting a bright pink cast. As I got to know Megan better, I was amazed to learn about her smily little girls' journey. Megan's courage and strength as a mom blew me away. How the heck did she stayed so positive with so many set-backs!? She is amazing. I'm so glad she agreed to take the time to share their story with us, even though she has her hands full with a toddler and an infant.  I'm sure you too will be inspired by this momma's courage and by her brave little girl!

Kynsley was born on January 26, 2012 at 4:16 am. She was a tiny, beautiful girl, weighing only 3lbs 5oz and 16 inches long.

Her due date was the first week of March so we were surprised to have her earlier. I went into the doctor only to find out that Kynsley wasn't growing inside and stopped growing 4 weeks prior. They were concerned and did an ultrasound. That's when they found out that she was sitting in only 2 cm of amniotic fluid. The doctor then pulled me aside and told me that he was going to have to do an induction because each day she was in there meant higher risk of her being stillborn. He gave me 2 steroid shots each day before inducing me in hopes that it would help develop her lungs. Kynsley only had to spend 12 days in the NICU before we took her home with us weighing 3lbs 10oz.

One week after taking Kynsley home, we took her in for a well-baby checkup.  We found out that she had Bilateral Congenital Hip Dysplasia. She was in a cute little body harness for 3 months. In May, we went down to Boise (4 hour drive) to go see her orthopedic surgeon to hopefully get some good news that her hips were in place and the harness was successful...Instead we heard the news that we didn't want. The doctor told us that the harness is 90% effective, but it didn't work on Kynsley.
He then told us he would wait a couple months for her to grow and then put a Spica Cast on her in hopes of that cast being successful. We went back to Boise to put her first Spica Cast on. She had to go under general anesthesia while doing this procedure. She definitely made her cute pink cast look good!! And let me tell you the diaper changes were absolutely challenging! She had her pink cast on for 6 weeks and then we went back to Boise for a cast change and a hip evaluation.

Once again, hoping for good news, the surgeon came out and told us that there wasn't any improvement in her hips and he was hoping that this purple cast he put on will help her. She had that cast on for 1 week and I then began to feel popping by her hip sockets. I called the surgeon with the concern that her hips were still popping in and out while in the cast. He told me that the Spica Cast was not successful then ordered me to go get it off at his clinic here in Pocatello. So out of the 2% that the Spica Cast isn't effective on, Kynsley was one! Our next step was open reduction surgery.

In January 2013, we found out that Kynsley had a rare genetic disorder. Although there is no name for it, she is missing a little piece of chromosome 12 and has an added chromosome 16. This would result in a tiny petite little girl, developmental delays, and possible mental disabilities. So far, she isn’t showing any signs of mental disabilities, and the doctors don’t think she will have any, and if she does it will be just minor.

I took Kynsley to Shriners hospital in Salt Lake City for a second opinion. I never expected that with such a negative experience and time in my life, that I would find so much peace there. From the second I walked in the doors of Shriner's and saw two small boys in wheelchairs, one without legs, and another barely walking with an adorable little walker, with the biggest smiles on their faces, I KNEW that this was an answer to my prayers and we would continue with Kynsley's surgeries at Shriner's.

Kynsley went on to have 2 open reduction hip surgeries at Shriner’s, one in April 2013 and one in June 2013. Both of the surgeries she went through we had such amazing care during our stay. I would recommend Shriner’s to ANYONE who has a child that has complications and meets the criteria of having surgery there. This was such a learning experience. I have learned more in life from this little God-sent angel than I have from any other person! I believe we all go through experiences in our life that will help others through their lives. We all go through trials, some trials much greater than others. If we endure through them, they mold us into a stronger person. There are two different types of people during trials, the ones who allow trials to make them, and the ones that allow trials to break them. Notice I say "allow", the reason being, trials DON'T break us we only ALLOW them to. It is all up to us and we have the final decision to let them. We always need to remember, "if it's not this, it's always something else."

Kynsley is now 2 years old, she still isn’t walking, but she is attending physical therapy, occupational therapy, feeding therapy and speech therapy. My weeks are hectic, but I love my life with my sweet little girl. I would do absolutely anything I could in order for my daughter’s success and happiness in life.

I love my hectic, crazy life so much, that I decided to have another baby! We were blessed with a little baby boy born on Valentine’s Day 2014.

This is the quote that was on the wall in our room at the Ronald McDonald house in Salt Lake City:

"Promise me you'll always remember... you are smarter than you think, braver than you believe, stronger than you seem." -Christopher Robin to Pooh.

Through all of our trials with Kynsley, this quote has definitely proved itself to be true.

Just when I think I can't do it anymore, I surprise myself and find out that I can.

Amazing huh?  For all little Kynsley has been though, she sure is happy! And, you should see how much joy she brings to the people around her!  She's a people magnet. :)

Friends, I am in awe of the time, care, sacrifices, and dedication of parents who have children with physical or mental complications/disabilities.  The worry and the sleepless nights, the feelings of isolation, waiting and waiting for results, the doctor's appointments (sometimes in other states) as well as the medical expenses...these parents are overlooked heroes!  Megan, thank you for sharing your beautiful daughter's story with us!  

Please leave your comments for this momma; I'm sure she'd love to hear from you.  :)  

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